Jordan Fm

Jordan 105.5fm

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Following an agreement brokered by Qatar between Israel and the Palestinian militant organisation Hamas, the Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip will receive medication. The Qatari Foreign Ministry announced that aid supplies for civilians will be brought to the sealed-off coastal strip. The office of Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu said the medicines purchased in […]

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s arrival in Israel today marks a critical juncture in the ongoing Gaza conflict. His visit carries the weight of a delicate balancing act: affirming Israel’s right to self-defense while addressing the dire situation of civilians caught in the crossfire. On the one hand, Austin has consistently maintained US support for […]

Israel has assembled a system of large pumps with which it could flood the extensive tunnel network of the Islamist movement Hamas under the Gaza Strip with seawater. Citing U-S government officials, it was reported that it is not known whether the Israeli government intends to use this tactic. Israel has neither made a final […]

Israel’s government and Hamas agreed today to a four-day pause in fighting to allow the release of 50 hostages held in Gaza in exchange for 150 Palestinians imprisoned in Israel, and the entry of humanitarian aid into the besieged enclave. Hamas is believed to be holding more than 200 hostages, taken when its fighters surged into […]