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Written by on November 22, 2023

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament has appealed to the Heads of State and Government in the region to reconsider and lift the sanctions imposed on the Niger Republic. The sanctions were imposed in July 2023 following the overthrow of President Mohamed Bazoum by a group of military officers led by General Abdourahamane Tchiani.

According to Senator Ali Ndume, the Chief Whip of the Senate, the sanctions have adversely impacted seven Nigerian states bordering Niger, causing significant hardship for local communities. He emphasized that the sanctions are primarily affecting innocent civilians rather than the military junta responsible for the coup.

In light of these concerns, the ECOWAS Parliament has urged the regional leadership to prioritize dialogue and diplomacy in addressing the situation in Niger. They believe that lifting the sanctions would ease the suffering of ordinary citizens and provide a more conducive environment for resolving the political crisis.

The Parliament’s call for a reassessment of the sanctions highlights the potential unintended consequences of such measures and the need to carefully consider their impact on vulnerable populations. By advocating for a more nuanced approach, the ECOWAS Parliament demonstrates its commitment to promoting peace and stability in the region while safeguarding the well-being of its citizens.

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