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Written by on November 23, 2023

In a decisive move to protest a series of unresolved grievances, the Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria (JUSUN) in Osun State has declared an indefinite strike action. The union’s action stems from the state government’s seizure of their wardrobe allowance, the suspension of fellow workers, and the Chief Judge’s refusal to lift the embargo on worker’s training.

Tensions escalated when protesting workers and journalists gathered at the High Court entrance in the Oke-Fia area of the state capital to voice their concerns. The situation took a dramatic turn as police stationed at the entrance responded with tear gas, dispersing the crowd and further fueling the workers’ frustration.

The union’s decision to strike highlights the deep-seated grievances among Osun’s judiciary workers, who feel that their concerns have been repeatedly dismissed by the state government and the Chief Judge. The seizure of their wardrobe allowance, a fundamental entitlement, has caused financial hardship and resentment among the workers.

The suspension of fellow workers without due process has further eroded the union’s trust in the administration. The lack of transparency and accountability surrounding these suspensions has created an atmosphere of uncertainty and insecurity among the workforce.

The embargo on worker’s training, which has been in place for an extended period, has left the judiciary workers feeling undervalued and professionally stifled. The inability to participate in training and development opportunities has hindered their career growth and prevented them from keeping abreast of advancements in their field.

The JUSUN’s indefinite strike action is a stark warning to the state government and the Chief Judge that the workers’ grievances cannot be ignored. The union’s demands for a reversal of the wardrobe allowance seizure, reinstatement of the suspended workers, and lifting of the embargo on worker’s training are essential to restoring harmony and ensuring the smooth functioning of the judiciary in Osun State.

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