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Written by on January 4, 2024

Tensions are boiling in the Horn of Africa after a controversial agreement between Ethiopia and the breakaway region of Somaliland sparked outrage in neighboring Somalia. The United States and African Union have joined forces to quell the rising fury, urging all parties to remain calm and seek diplomatic solutions.

Somalia views the deal, granting Ethiopia access to the Red Sea through Somaliland, as a brazen violation of its sovereignty and an act of aggression. The government has vowed to defend its territorial integrity and condemned the agreement as null and void.

Caught in the crossfire, the African Union’s chairperson, Moussa Faki Mahamat, issued a plea for reason and restraint. He urged both Ethiopia and Somalia to engage in immediate negotiations to resolve their differences through peaceful dialogue. His call echoes similar sentiment expressed by the United States, highlighting the growing international concern over the potential for armed conflict.

With simmering tensions and heightened military vigilance on all sides, the future of the Horn of Africa hangs precariously. The success of diplomatic efforts in the coming days will determine whether the region descends into violence or embraces a path towards peaceful resolution.

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