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Written by on January 12, 2024

The crackle of dawn breaks over Lagos, Nigeria, bathing a bustling poultry farm in soft golden light. Edmund Oriataman, a man whose weathered hands speak volumes of toil and triumph, surveys his domain with a seasoned eye. In a recent interview with Jordan105fm, Edmund offered a window into the complex world of poultry farming, a world brimming with both challenges and rewards.

Economic realities cast a long shadow over the industry. Inflation, a cruel Grinch during the past Christmas season, had prices of chickens soaring across the market. “Greed can inflate prices more than feed costs,” Edmund observes with a quiet frown. Yet, amidst the squeeze, his voice rings with conviction: “Ethical pricing is key.” He ensured his chickens reached homes that festive season at a fair ₦10,000 to ₦13,000, a testament to his commitment to responsible business practices.

But economics are just one hurdle. Disease, an unseen enemy, stalks broilers in their coops. Viral and bacterial threats lurk, demanding constant vigilance. Edmund, however, advocates a holistic approach. “Prevention is our watchword,” he declares. He integrates natural remedies like bitter leaves and ginger into their diets, bolstering their immune systems like shields against the unseen.

Pricing strategies become delicate dances in this economic tightrope walk. While production costs rise, Edmund clings to a fair model. His chickens, he explains, brought him a decent profit while remaining accessible to his customers. Muellers, the seasoned six-month veterans, proudly commanded a ₦15,000 price tag – a reflection of their quality and the farmer’s respect for both market realities and customer wallets.

2023, however, held its own challenges. The festive season, usually a boon, saw muted sales. Customers, their pockets squeezed by economic woes, bought fewer chickens, forcing Edmund to confront the harsh realities of a market struggling to breathe. “Two chickens instead of six,” he laments, his voice echoing the quiet desperation of many businesses in the face of economic headwinds.

Yet, even in the face of adversity, Edmund’s optimism rings clear. He calls for government intervention, hoping for measures to reduce the crippling cost of imported feed, a lifeline for poultry farmers like him. Looking ahead to 2024, he sees a glimmer of hope – increased purchasing power, a renewed demand for his feathered friends. “When the market expands, we all win,” he smiles, his weathered face crinkling with anticipation.

For aspiring poultry farmers, Edmund’s words are a map etched with both opportunity and caution. “Technical knowledge,” he emphasizes, “is your compass.” Market research, a reliable GPS, guides you through the shifting terrain. And a network of experienced farmers, wise mentors whispering advice in the wind, ensures you don’t get lost in the maze.

“Start small,” he cautions, “Learn from small failures, not big ones.” The poultry business, Edmund assures, is not yet saturated. There’s still room for passionate newcomers, for those willing to build a customer base brick by brick, trust by trust.

Edmund Oriataman’s story is not just about poultry; it’s about the indomitable spirit of entrepreneurship. It’s a testament to the resilience of individuals who navigate economic storms, manage disease threats, and price their products with both profit and purpose in mind. It’s a story that ends not with despair, but with the quiet optimism of a man who sees a brighter future for himself and the industry he loves. And in that optimism, the hope for a thriving Nigerian poultry sector takes flight.

READ ALSO: Unlock Success: Why Jordan FM is Your Gateway to Entrepreneurial Excellence”

Source: Excerpts from Jordan in focus on Jordan105.5fm

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