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Written by on December 6, 2023

The death toll from the devastating accidental bombing of Tudun Biri in Kaduna State has climbed to 120, confirmed by officials of Amnesty International following their visit to the affected communities. This grim news adds to the heartbreak and anger surrounding the tragedy.

Survivors, still grappling with the trauma, have come forward with chilling testimonies. They claim the Nigerian Army bombed not once, but twice, inflicting further damage and casualties on the already devastated community.

The incident occurred on Sunday night, when an air strike intended for suspected terrorists tragically misplaced its target, striking innocent civilians celebrating the Maulud Nabiy festival. The initial reports of casualties were already alarming, but the confirmation of 120 deaths paints a horrifying picture of the extent of the tragedy.

Amnesty International’s visit and the survivors’ accounts raise serious concerns about the conduct of the Nigerian Army and the need for a thorough investigation. The double bombing, if confirmed, suggests a disregard for civilian lives and a lack of proper procedures for identifying and engaging targets.

This tragedy demands accountability and justice. The families of the victims deserve answers and swift action from the Nigerian government. A thorough investigation into the incident is imperative to ensure such a devastating mistake never occurs again. The Nigerian Army must also take responsibility for its actions and provide adequate support to the surviving victims and the affected community.

The pain and devastation caused by the Tudun Biri bombing cannot be erased. However, ensuring transparency, justice, and support for the victims and their families is the least that can be done to honor the lives lost and prevent future tragedies.

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