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Written by on December 4, 2023

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has vehemently denied allegations of involvement in an airstrike that resulted in the deaths of villagers engaged in a religious gathering in Kaduna State. Air Commodore Edward Gabkwet, the NAF spokesman, categorically refuted these claims, asserting that the Air Force has not conducted any air operations within Kaduna State or its vicinity within the past 24 hours.

The NAF’s emphatic denial serves to address the circulating reports regarding an airstrike that purportedly claimed the lives of civilians during a religious ceremony. These allegations have understandably caused distress and concern among the public, prompting the prompt and unequivocal response from the Air Force.

The NAF underscores its unwavering commitment to safeguarding the lives and property of innocent Nigerians. Any suggestion of its involvement in civilian casualties is unfounded and deeply concerning. The Force maintains strict adherence to its operational guidelines, ensuring that all actions are conducted within the framework of the law and with utmost regard for civilian safety.

The NAF continues to collaborate closely with other security agencies in the collective effort to combat terrorism and criminality across the nation. It remains dedicated to fulfilling its mandate of protecting the territorial integrity of Nigeria while upholding the rights and well-being of its citizens.

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