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Personal development

Who are you? For some, this question is as simple as ABC and can be answered without batting an eyelid. But to others…well let’s just say they are still working on it. What if I told you that your identity is directly connected to your functionality. Now this is crucial, because the meaning of a […]

I once read somewhere that it takes 40 days to cultivate a habit, and there are more than 40 left to the end of the year so why not get started now. Develop a reading culture  A successful person is as a representation of the knowledge they have acquired and the experiences they have had. […]

Have you watched Inside out 2? It is an animated movie that tries to depict what goes on in the human mind in relations to emotions such as joy, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, anxiety, etc. In this particular scene, some emotions were somehow able to suppress the others by bottling them up. Yeah, it is […]

Surveys from around the world find that males everywhere are reluctant to talk about their mental health and are more likely to die by suicide than females.   Across the globe, among many races, ethnicities, and income brackets, males often avoid Trusted Source getting help for their psychological issues.   According to the World Health […]

A popular saying goes thus, when the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable. Well, purpose means many different things to various people. For some it is the true meaning of life, the reason for which a thing was created. To psychologists, purpose is an abiding intention to achieve a long-term goal that […]

Who is a teenager? A teenager is a person that falls between the age of 13 to 19. In this period, there is a transition from a child to an adult and this road comes with a lot of twists and turns. Today, teenagers in Nigeria and beyond are making impact through creative ideas. It […]